Author: Christopher Kreie

Should Statements – Shame no more!

Should statements, those messages we use to motivate us off the couch. Should statements, the inner dialogue that condemns us for our mistakes. Should statements, tools for change or weapons of shame? Last time I wrote, I discussed my relationship with these so-called should statements, these cognitive distortions that tell us we don’t measure up […]

Should Statements – Motivational Tools or Weapons of Shame?

I should get outside. I should take a walk. I should read. I should get out of bed. I should turn off the TV. I should do yoga. I should stack some of that wood that’s been piling up. The lake looks gorgeous. I should really go on a kayak ride. Then there are the […]

Olympic Joy

I’m currently seated at a quintessential Parisian cafe, one of thousands in the city, one with small round tables lined up along the sidewalk, wicker chairs, seats facing out as to enable top-quality people watching. It’s Wednesday and it’s the rare morning that I’m not off to an Olympic event, backpack in tow, joining the […]